Month: February 2015

What is social proof & How to add social proof: reviews, endorsements, testimonials increase sales

What is social proof & How to add social proof: reviews, endorsements, testimonials increase sales

by In this video tutorial I explain how to add social proof to any business, service, product or website. Social proof is a combination of the number of customers, total and average rating of reviews, endorsements and testimonials. Getting an investor or publicity can also serve as social proof. All together these things serve to…

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Make money with AirBnb to fund your business by renting out your apartment or house through Airbnb

Make money with AirBnb to fund your business by renting out your apartment or house through Airbnb

by In this video tutorial I explain how you can rent out a part of your home through AirBnb to help fund your business. You can rent out anything from a room to a full apartment to a full house. As long as there is demand in your area, you can generate a large amount…

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Fund your business with passive income streams like selling digital products online

Fund your business with passive income streams like selling digital products online

by In this video tutorial I discuss how you can raise money for your business and fund it by hustling and trying to sell products online. You can sell physical or digital products. For the most part, digital products are easier to create and deliver to customers. Because of that, selling digital products can be…

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How many times or how often should you post and update your Facebook business page

How many times or how often should you post and update your Facebook business page

by In this tutorial I explain what the right number of times that you should update your Facebook business page or a fan page is in order to get the most engagement with your updates. While there are general guidelines, since there are so many different kinds of businesses out there, there are many different…

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Growth hack to increase Facebook likes, shares and comments hundreds of percent

Growth hack to increase Facebook likes, shares and comments hundreds of percent

by In this tutorial I show you a cool growth hack for increasing the number of likes, shares and comments on your Facebook posts. When you increase engagement on your Facebook updates, Facebook begins showing your posts to more people, and you begin to get more exposure. Once you get more organic exposure to your…

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Twitter analytics tutorial. How to use Twitter analytics & use it to improve tweets and get insights

Twitter analytics tutorial. How to use Twitter analytics & use it to improve tweets and get insights

by In this tutorial I explain how to use Twitter analytics to see which of your tweets get more engagement and general exposure. Using Twitter analytics can give you more insight into how well your tweets perform, and which of your twitter techniques are more effective than others. Using Twitter analytics can help you become…

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How to write a book if you are a bad writer & how to write many books by using virtual assistants

How to write a book if you are a bad writer & how to write many books by using virtual assistants

by In this tutorial I explain how anyone can write a book. You can write a good book even if you are a bad writer. You can also write hundreds of books in a relatively short period of time. If you are a bad writer, but you think that you have a good idea for…

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Facebook advertising with boosted posts: strategies to increase Facebook engagement & get more likes

Facebook advertising with boosted posts: strategies to increase Facebook engagement & get more likes

by In this tutorial I explain a Facebook advertising strategy which Facebook is pushing forward. That strategy is called boosted posts. Boosted posts are Facebook’s way to allow you to reach more people with your group or business page update by paying Facebook to do so. You can use the boosted posts paid advertising option…

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