3 Lessons on Disaster Planning for Small Business in 2019

3 Lessons on Disaster Planning for Small Business in 2019

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There is no need to sugar coat it – business always comes fitted with risk. From the stage of launching a new enterprise, through every step on your path to success – there always will be a good deal of risks. All entrepreneurs know this, but not everyone approaches this right.

While many aspiring entrepreneurs tend to depend on a lucky chance, their more experienced colleagues know that the only way to survive the competition is to take risks and do some brilliant disaster planning.

In a nutshell, disaster planning is the process of identifying and assessing possible issues. In addition, it should contain a plan on how these problems can be avoided. And, finally, it also means developing a clear set of actions that reflect what, how, and when has to be done in the case of a disaster.

There is no need to explain why every business should take all the necessary steps to be prepared for anything. After all, having such a plan is the only guarantee that your team will be able to make it through the tough times. However, how to do disaster planning right? That’s the main question we are going to answer in this article!

If you are wondering how to prevent emergencies and address any upcoming issues right, here are a few tips to follow:

source: https://www.freepik.com/premium-vector/business-man-helping-his-partner-risk-graph_5571454.htm#page=1&query=risk%20management&position=11

Be Prepared in Advance

Running a business is nothing like being a college student when you can forget about deadlines, then just buy custom essay online and still get away with this. In business, you have to think ahead and undertake the needed steps ASAP!

Stay Ahead of Challenges

The most effective advice to follow is to stay aware of upcoming problems. Any issue can be easily addressed at the early stage of its development. 

However, if you find out about a problem after it’s too late, the resources you will have to waste on finding a solution will be much larger. The same will be with the stress it will put on the whole team.

Higher Efficiency, Lower Cost

The best way to prevent issues is to focus on saving your enterprise’s resources, meanwhile boosting efficiency. Reducing cost and yet enhancing productivity can help you significantly!

Learn to Identify Opportunities

Another great way to prevent failures is to keep growing and developing! If your company is stuck and fails to grow, this will inevitably bring some issues. Therefore, the key to success is to keep identifying new opportunities and use them for further development.

Risk Management in 2019: Top 3 Cases

RM is a unique process for each company. Depending on the field of operation, objectives, and other nuances, different teams handle it differently.

The key to success is to find the right approach that suits your business! Here are the top 3 cases of companies that have successfully managed risks in 2019 with the description of their unique approaches.

Crush Empire LLC

The CEO of Crush Empire, Bryce Welker, says the key to successful risk management in his enterprise is limiting the access to main tools and sensitive information to as few team members as possible. 

Welker insists that having fewer links in the chain is the key to minimizing the possibility of hacking and data leaks.

Most of the business is conducted online, which means cybersecurity is the most crucial matter for the team. 

Minimizing the access to information to a single specialist from each department helps Bryce in leading a successful RM strategy on all levels.

Anderson Technologies

Andrea Wills from Anderson Technologies says that the most vital part of disaster planning in their team is setting the right priorities for the possible risks. She also highlights that it is the whole team’s effort. 

Having one specialist to identify the risks, another to assess it, and the whole team to define the cost and level of each risk is what helps the company to manage all problems efficiently.

Andrea believes that not all issues are worth addressing. Some risks are worth accepting rather than solving. Such an approach helps the team to mitigate issues that are predicted to have a low impact on the enterprise. Thus, they pay greater attention to those that can grow into large-scale problems.


The Senior Growth Marketing Manager from HubSpot, Alex Birkett, also shares his ideas on risk management. Alex is a fan of a risk mitigation strategy that is based on thoughtful experimenting.

Alex insists that relying on experiments can really help in building a successful strategy. Such an approach allows the team to make more weighted and informed decisions.

source: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/concept-solution-domino-effect-slightly-de-focused-close-up-shot-selective-focus_1203372.htm#page=1&query=risk%20management&position=14

Final WordS

As was already mentioned, the risk is an inevitable part of every business. 

Running a business often implies being up for a variety of challenges and taking risks, so there is no way you can get around this. However, one thing your team can certainly do is engage in thoughtful disaster planning. This will help your enterprise survive, even in the most unpredictable situations.

In this article, we have shared some most effective techniques for risk management, as well as the cases of real companies that have succeeded in disaster planning. Looking at these tips and examples should help you grasp the core ideas behind disaster preparedness and develop your own plan!

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