Month: January 2014

Quora Marketing Tutorial

Quora Marketing Tutorial

by In this tutorial, I explain how you can promote your business with Quora. Quora is great for driving traffic to your site as well as positioning you as an industry expert and thought leader. by

Bad Business Ideas & Business Idea Mistakes

Bad Business Ideas & Business Idea Mistakes

by If you think about it, some very unusual business ideas have worked in the past. Conversely, it often happens that very common business ideas actually do not work. There are a few key reasons like overall strategy, positioning, marketing, degree of hard work, perseverance, availability of resources, timing, product quality, market and economic conditions,…

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How To Get Donations For Your Business or Nonprofit

How To Get Donations For Your Business or Nonprofit

by Crowdfunding is a very new type of funding which takes advantage of the power of the Internet and allows the many people to donate to a project in which they believe. That is great for the entrepreneur starting the project as it gives them some free money with nearly no strings attached. by

Protecting Business Ideas With An NDA (Non disclosure agreement)

Protecting Business Ideas With An NDA (Non disclosure agreement)

by Most people who start a business are private about it in at least some capacity. Even people who are relatively open about their business still do not want to disclose absolutely everything about what they are doing, and want at least some degree of privacy. In this post I will explain how you can…

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The Importance Of Getting A Business Mentor & How To Get A Business Mentor

The Importance Of Getting A Business Mentor & How To Get A Business Mentor

by In proper business theory, every CEO should have a CEO coach, advisor, or mentor. They should meet either once a week, twice a week, or once a month. The coach can help brainstorm strategy, give feedback on various upcoming business decisions, and simply listen if the entrepreneur needs to vent some frustrations. by

How To Pursue Your Business Idea If You Have A Full Time Job. Should You Quit Your Job?

How To Pursue Your Business Idea If You Have A Full Time Job. Should You Quit Your Job?

by We all have to work to pay our rent. When people get struck with an interesting business idea, more likely than not, that are probably already working at a full time job. This puts them in a dilemma. And there is really no simple solution. If they pursue the idea on their free time,…

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