Should you make money with ads to your mobile apps? How to make money with ads on your mobile apps
Should you make money with ads to your mobile apps? How to make money with ads on your mobile apps. In this tutorial I talk about placing ads on your mobile apps. I discuss the pros and cons of adding ads to your mobile apps, and whether you should ultimately publish advertisements on your apps. Additionally, I discuss some specific types of apps, and specific business scenarios where it makes sense to publish ads on your apps, and when it isn’t a good idea to show advertisements to your users.
Check out my mobile app business book and my mobile app business course.
Additionally, I discuss a different kind of ads on your mobile apps. I give the example of how I do this. I often use in-content ads which appear just like the rest of your content, and feel natural inside the mobile Android or iPhone application.
For example, sometimes the users of my business apps need help with things like business ideas or raising money, or creating a website. I know that entrepreneurs need help with these things, and when they get to the parts of my apps where they are reading about these issues, I present them with uniquely made in-content ads which look like the rest of my apps, and are actually helpful to the users who are using my apps.
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