How to raise money and generate revenue and profits with events or workshops
If you are looking to raise money for your business or non profit, please check out my book with 10 strategies to raise money.
Additionally, here is my course with similar information on 10 strategies to raise money. The difference is that the course is video-based, and can be consumed more quickly than the book.
In this tutorial, I discuss how to raise money with events. If you want more information about how to put on successful events that generate revenue, here is my event management and marketing course.
In this tutorial, I discuss one of my favorite ways to raise money for your business by creating a successful event series. The reason I really like this fundraising strategy is that if you are able to create a successful event series, that event series can be a cash cow, and a business in itself that will have very strong staying and lasting power. Events can also be great for fostering a community of people who can help your business, and who can eventually become clients for your business.
Personally, I have put on many successful events, and raise money from them towards my business and other projects I was working on. You not only get cash, but meet potential clients and get a chance to forget business relationships that can help you long-term.
For more event promotion strategies and ideas, make sure you watch the full event management playlist:
How to make money and generate revenue from events:
How to choose a price for events:
Event marketing ideas:
Event marketing tutorial:
Event marketing like a pro:
Fundraising course on how to raise money:
Fundraising strategies book:
How to get business loans:
How to get donations:
Fundraising playlist:
How to start a business with no money:
Raise money in different additional ways
You can raise money in many ways when you are resourceful. To help you, I compiled an epic video with 50 strategies that you can use (many of which I personally use) to make money online.