Wie man eine gute Sitzhaltung bei der Arbeit aufrechterhält

More often than not, when we’re comfortable we do our best work. And yet, many working conditions are not set up in a way to provide comfort or long term health for employees.
The study of ergonomics focuses on the improvement of working conditions in aid of the physical health of an employee. There are many ergonomic tips you can use in your own workspace.
For example, poor posture is one of the most common problems employees face. It’s common for workers to hunch over computers for hours a day and years on end. All workers should strive for good sitting posture to help increase their overall health.
Read on, and we’ll walk you through a few ways to improve your posture in the workplace.
Pick The Right Chair
When we talk about the harmful effects of bad workplace posture, we’re usually talking about the back and spinal cord. Bad posture can cause permanent damage to the spinal cord and severe pain.
Choosing a chair that supports the curves of your back can be one of the best health choices you can make in the workplace. Once you have such a chair, it can be equally important to calibrate it to your body.
Adjust the height so that your feet rest gently on the floor. Your thighs should rest on the seat parallel to the floor itself. The armrests should hold your arms at a level where your shoulders feel relaxed.
Adjust Your Desk Height
Stretching or hunching may be due to the placement of your keyboard but the set up of your desk as a whole. A desk that is too low or too high can wreak havoc on your body over time.
If your desk is too low and doesn’t adjust, consider putting it on blocks or another surface that can help to elevate it.
You can also invest in a laptop stand desk, which can help to keep your back straight during the day and improve your posture during the workday.
Avoid Reaching Far
Years of working at a computer can cause serious wear and tear on your body. Limiting the amount of physical strain you put on your body can help to lessen these effects.
Keep items you use a lot at work (whether that be a stapler, scissors, or some other object) nearby and easy to reach. Avoid putting these objects in drawers that you have to bend and contort to reach.
Try to sit at a comfortable distance from your mouse and keyboard as well. If you find yourself stretching or hunching to use these devices, moving them to a new location can be a great relief to your body.
Good Sitting Posture At Work
Good sitting posture at work can help ensure that you feel your best for years to come. The above tips can help to improve your posture and health.
Need more tips for the workplace? Check out our blog for more.