How to hire and begin working with a freelance developer or a technical co-founder

How to hire and begin working with a freelance developer or a technical co-founder

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Many people tend to rush in, and hire the first software engineer or developer that looks like they might be a good match from Odesk, Elance or even Fiverr. But jumping into a complex business relationship like that is dangerous and fraught with pitfalls.

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Instead of jumping into a working relationship with your software engineers, you should try to do a test project with them. Try doing something small like giving them a few tasks at a time to see how they perform, and whether you begin to develop a good working relationship with that software engineer. If you do not have working chemistry with a software engineer, that may be a sign that this won’t work out long-term. It is just as important to have good working chemistry as it is for that software engineer to be a good engineer who can build good software.

So do some pilot test projects with them, and see how things go. If you start to feel comfortable with that software engineer, then you can hire them to do bigger and bigger parts of your current project, and ultimately finish your entire project.

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