Three Rules That Every New Business Owner Should Live By

Three Rules That Every New Business Owner Should Live By

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So, you’ve done it. You’ve had the idea for a great business venture. You’ve turned the idea into a reality. You’ve moved it out of your bedroom and into an office. And now, after all that hard work, you’re a small business owner. First of all, congratulations! Second of all, the hard work starts now. Below are the three rules that you, as a new business owner, should now be living be to help you successfully navigate the hard work that is to come.

Deliver on your promises

Delivering what you promise is pivotal when it comes to business. They could be promises you make in regards to customer relations. They could be promises you make in regards to the prices you set on your produce. They could be promises you make in regards to the setting and meeting of time frames and deadlines. Or they could be promises you make in regards to a particular service. Whenever you make a promise, whatever that promise is and whoever it is to, you must follow through and deliver it. Why? Because if you don’t you will be seen as untrustworthy. If a customer deems you untrustworthy, they won’t bring you business again. If your employees see you as untrustworthy, then they might not be inclined to work hard for you and would have no problems in leaving your business. So, make promises, and deliver them.

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Do what is best for YOUR business

As important as it is to keep up with the competing pack, it is just as as important for your business to be itself. And you, as its owner, should be doing everything you can to accommodate this. To do this, first of all you should be setting yourself, and any staff that you employ, with working hours and tasks to fill these hours that will ultimately benefit your business. You should not waste time attempting practices that will only hinder your business, even if these practices work for your competitors. Second of all, you should be using equipment, instruments and technology that is tailored to helping your business do what it does best. For instance, a hotel wouldn’t use a pen and paper to keep a track of its residents, would it? It would use an optimising management service, such as that provided here:, to help it keep a track of reservations, revenue and other tasks. The point is, do what you do, and do it well. And to do it well, you must ensure no time or efforts are ever wasted on practices that aren’t beneficial.

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Take full advantage of the Internet

A business in the early twentieth century wouldn’t have adopted the same practices as one from one hundred years prior to it, would it? If a businessman in 1905 it could have used a telephone to seal a deal, he would have. So, you need to make use of the zeitgeist of this time, the Internet, because it is most certainly a tool at your disposal. Simply, in this day and age, as a business owner you must be taking advantage of the Internet. You must make use of your email services; specifically, you should make use of email marketing. You must make use of social media; specifically, you should hire yourself a webmaster who will promote your business professionally. You must make use of e-commerce; specifically, you should take to selling your goods online. And you should be using the Internet to keep a tab on your market; specifically, you should always check a business directory such as the one found here:

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The single most important thing you can do for your business, however, is ensure that you put your absolute all into it. A ship does not know where it is going without its captain, and your business doesn’t know where it is going without you. And to steer it in the right direction, you need to work harder than you ever have done before.

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