Fantastic Blog About Travel Destinations
When I come across great content, I like to share it. I was recently looking for vacation ideas and I came across a great blog which features all kinds of travel destinations and ways to travel.
I was browsing it on May fifth, and I was delighted to see that they had content about Cinco De Mayo celebrations. The articles are posted on a regular basis, and offer unique content. For example, there is an article translating literal translations of every city. That isn’t a typical boring travel article. It is a unique and creatively chosen article, which is something I appreciate.
Did you know that Chicago means stinky onion in French and Palo Alto means tall stick in Spanish? What does Las Vegas mean? Does it mean casino? Apparently not. It means “the meadows” which is a bit of a tepid name for what the city has become. Also, Boca Raton means mouse mouth, which, go figure! But still, this article was so fun to go through!
Another article on the site was about what to do in Las Vegas. I was actually there a month ago and I didn’t do many of the things that were recommended in the article. I wish I had seen this article sooner.
If you love to travel and love to browse websites that talk about travel, and learn new things, this site is an amazing one for you. You can learn many cool new things and find new places to go and build new curiosities.
Check out their blog and the site in general.