The Formula For Startup Success: Protecting Your Business From Every Angle

The Formula For Startup Success: Protecting Your Business From Every Angle

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When formulating a strategy for your new business, taking a responsible approach is essential. Therefore, in addition to seeking immediate success, it’s imperative that you protect your venture from every angle. Otherwise, sustainability will be almost impossible to find.

There are several key factors to consider when providing your company with the protection it needs.  Start by perfecting each of the elements below, and you will not go far wrong.

Financial Stability

The modern world of business is very accommodating in the sense that many elements can be completed with minimal outlay. Nonetheless, you must avoid any temptation to launch the venture without the necessary funding. Sadly, running out of cash is the main reason that up to nine in 10 new companies fades into the abyss.

Acquiring a bank loan is certainly one method that’s still open to many. However, you may also need to take matters into your own hands. These fundraising methods should go a long way to helping, however, which will provide you with far stronger foundations.

Having money buys you time, especially in those early stages. Combine this with a responsible approach to spending, trimming the fat wherever possible. Even if it doesn’t make the difference between success and failure, it will enhance your profit margins.

Data Protection

Customers will always be the most important people in your business. Unfortunately, the chances of them remaining loyal to the brand will remain very slim unless you actively gain their trust. With this in mind, keeping their private details secure is essential.

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Digital data protection should include advanced encryption as well as strong passwords. However, it’s equally important that you protect your website from DDOS attacks and other online threats. Even when issues won’t directly impact the customers, those problems will inevitably result in a loss of trust. In turn, that will lead to a loss of business too.

If accepting online sales, you must also ensure that the ecommerce elements are protected in the right fashion. A poor payment gateway would cost you dearly. Prevention is always the best form of protection, and could be one of your greatest marketing tools too.

Safe Workspaces

As a business owner, your responsibilities to employee and customer health is essential. First and foremost, you need to combat the dangers posed by outside threats. Modern CCTV and alarm systems make it very easy to keep intruders at bay while access cards can also be used to great effect.

Internal dangers require an equal level of attention. Industrial swing gates, safety goggles, and suitable attire can save lives in warehouses. Likewise, opting for machinery with auto safety features can make a world of difference in dangerous locations.

Shop floor safety largely comes down to making people aware of wet surfaces and other hazards. Above all else, though, all working environments should be kept clean. The spreading of germs is the most common issue to infiltrate your business. Prepare yourself for this situation, and you’ll be just fine.

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Intellectual Safety

Creating a successful company is never easy. So, when you do achieve a level of triumph, it’s vital that only your business is able to profit from those ideas and innovations. Sadly, there will be other companies and individuals out to leverage sales on the back of your name. You cannot let this become an issue.

Copyright infringement and similar acts of intellectual theft must be prevented. Or at the very least, you must leave yourself in the best position to gain justice should you fall victim to those activities. Taking out the necessary patents and trademarks is essential. Only then can you be sure the company is safe in this sense.

Some entrepreneurs may not feel it’s a major problem, at least when the brand isn’t scrutinized as a consequence. However, all sales gained by those stepping on your toes will reduce your overall levels of income. Unfortunately, that could spell curtains for the venture.

Minimizing Losses

Every business will see some money slip through the net. This is often due to faulty products, which is why you must install a fair returns policy. On a similar note, it’s likely that some stock will need to be sold at a promotional price. Once again, factoring in those financial elements is vital.


Losses may also come from bad debt. When offering customers a chance to buy products over staggered payments, a slight risk is always involved. Knowing how to analyze potential customers, as well as deal with those who won’t pay is vital. It may sometimes prevent a sale, but the impacts will be positive in the long run.

Keep your business protected in each of those areas, and your strategy will suddenly look stronger than ever. To gain sustained profits, the other factors will need to remain in good health too. Nonetheless, this is a huge part of the battle.

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