Hiring software developers that are good at front end programming, back end development or both

Hiring software developers that are good at front end programming, back end development or both

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In this video tutorial I discuss nuances of hiring software engineers that are also good designers vs. hiring software engineers who mostly focus on back end technologies and more complex algorithms and data.

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I, personally, am a software engineer who specialized in backend programming rather than design or consumer facing engineering. I just don’t have the visual or design skills to do too much consumer facing work. Many engineers are like me. They can do math and logic, but not visual design. A few engineers can do the math and logic that is required for programming, and are also good at design. That is a good match of skills, but it is rare to find. Most of the time, you will have to hire a designer and a programmer to do the full job with a high degree of quality. Some people also hire a UX (usability) designer, but my feeling is that you have to do a large part of the UX heavy lifting as the entrepreneur because quite a few UX improvements will come from experimentation.

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