LinkedIn marketing: Facebook groups is the new LinkedIn marketing

LinkedIn marketing: Facebook groups is the new LinkedIn marketing

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In this video tutorial I talk about LinkedIn marketing, and specifically how in a large way, Facebook groups have replaced much of the traditional ways people have used LinkedIn.

And check out this video with 15 LinkedIn marketing strategies:

In the past, people used to use LinkedIn for connecting with other people with whom they might do business, or who they might know. It was used as a professional social network for the most part. But in the recent year or two, Facebook has become the place to connect with people on a professional level. In fact, I personally have joined many Facebook groups that perform the function of what LinkedIn groups used to do just a short time ago. And the Facebook groups are more social and more helpful. I have joined groups on YouTube, Udemy, podcasting, selling Kindle books, and much more.

If you are still using LinkedIn for your professional business needs, I recommend that you try to find groups on Facebook that are full of professionals in your business niche. Networking there may prove to be very helpful and effective for you.

Learn to promote your business on social media like a professional

Check out this video explaining how professional marketers and large successful companies use social media to promote their businesses.

Here is a video with 25 strategies to promote your business on Facebook.

Here is a video that shows 25 very effective strategies to promote your business on Twitter.

15 LinkedIn marketing strategies:

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