Month: August 2016

Как написать бизнес-план и открыть магазин оборудования

Как написать бизнес-план и открыть магазин оборудования

by A hardware store can be a great business because once you get established in the neighborhood, you become the go-to place for all kinds of home fixing and home repair tasks. Plus, your hardware business can fuel a home repair business like roofing, flooring, handyman business, or any other kind of business because many…

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Tools That Help You And Your Customers Connect

Tools That Help You And Your Customers Connect

by Businesses live and die on the buzz they generate in the community. Want to thrive? Start talking about what you’re doing and create great content for the community. Want to die? Give up on your customers and step back from making new connections. In 2016, there’s no excuse for businesses that aren’t connecting with…

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Does My Medical Practice Really Need Marketing?

Does My Medical Practice Really Need Marketing?

by Pixabay People often see medical facilities as something that doesn’t need marketing. They understand that these clinics are businesses, but they don’t see them the same way as they see other businesses. How useful could marketing really be? If people living nearby get ill then they’ll come. If they’re not ill, then they won’t.…

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5 Tasks You Must Do Before Creating A Business Website

5 Tasks You Must Do Before Creating A Business Website

by flickr Thinking of getting a website for your business? If so, it’s likely you will hire a designer to do it for you. However, there are some essential things you must do before getting started with the hiring process. It’s not as easy as handing over a domain and expecting a designer to come…

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Overcoming The Everyday Difficulties Of Running A Home Business

Overcoming The Everyday Difficulties Of Running A Home Business

by Working from home can be a rewarding, low-cost way to start a business. Besides all the benefits of being your own boss, you have all the comforts of your own home. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There are plenty of difficulties that those who run a home business can come face to…

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A Business Is Only As Good As Its Reputation So Work Hard On Yours

A Business Is Only As Good As Its Reputation So Work Hard On Yours

by If only it were so simple that a business could succeed off the merits of its services alone. Alas, that’s not the case. As a society, we are almost single-mindedly obsessed with public image. So as a business, you need to put as much care into yours. There are a lot of ways your…

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The Fundamental Mistakes That Startup Businesses Often Make

The Fundamental Mistakes That Startup Businesses Often Make

by If you are going to start a new business in the near future, you need to know a few harsh realities. Above all else, you need to realize that the odds are stacked against you. That doesn’t mean that you cannot achieve great things, just like the various success stories that you’ve no doubt…

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