50 business ideas and websites to make money online: How to make money online

50 business ideas and websites to make money online: How to make money online

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In this video tutorial I explain how to make money online. But I don’t just explain it like everyone else does, I present 50 effective business ideas and websites, and explain some of the pros and cons of each of the strategies.

The first strategy is to start writing. Writing a blog is the simplest way to make money online and it doesn’t take too much skill. You can simply put up a WordPress website, and start writing blog posts. You can make money from those blog posts by publishing ads on them, selling affiliate products from the blog posts, or selling digital or physical products that you create.

The great thing about making money from a blog is that it allows you to package that information, and put it together into a Kindle book or a paperback book. Now you can make money online by selling books that you put together out of your blog posts. Isn’t that a great way to make your work go twice as far?

Another way to make money online is to sell services as a freelancer. You can post your services on sites like Fiverr, Odesk or Elance. The kinds of services you can sell are video creation and editing services, coaching, voice overs, promotion of others, and much more. Personally, I make money on freelance websites by selling digital products as well as my business coaching.

Another way to make money online is to focus on growing your email list. Once you have someone’s email address, you can send them promotional messages about anything else you will be selling in the future.

If you are able to create videos, I explain how to make money online with video in 4 ways. The first technique is through YouTube, and the other strategies have to do with creating online courses and informational products on sites like Udemy, Skillfeed and EduPow. You can also create your own membership site and sell your course through that.

Additionally, there is a great way to make money online, and that is with niche authority websites. Those are websites that focus on a small niche that they can dominate, and then sell products.

Few specific tutorials for making money online

Here is a tutorial with 25 strategies for how to make money on Udemy.

Here is a tutorial with 10 strategies for how to make money on Fiverr.

How to make money on Etsy:

25 affiliate marketing tips:

Business And Entrepreneurship Psychology

To start and successfully run a business, you must have a strong mindset, be determined to succeed, and never give up. There will be many challenges along the way, and some of those challenges will be psychological. You will have to deal with issues like anxiety, fear, trust and mistrust, learning to let go of things like your ego, and learning to be humble. To prepare you for that experience, here is an article on business psychology.

And here is a tutorial on how to become a good and successful entrepreneur.

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