Month: June 2019

5 Interesting Ways to Spread Awareness of Your Small Business or Brand

5 Interesting Ways to Spread Awareness of Your Small Business or Brand

by As a small business owner, one of the most difficult tasks you will probably face is increasing the awareness of your company. Spreading awareness for your company or brand can be accomplished in many unique ways. Embracing new and unique marketing ideas will help your business to gain the attention it deserves. Approach the…

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by First, check out this funny SEO video: SEO marketing is essential for all business in today’s global economy, especially for those whose products or services cater to smaller, specialized markets. Since the customer base for  a company selling transformers, for example, is smaller than that for clothing retailers or other items with universal appeal,…

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Five Types of People That Will Help Ensure That Your Brand Grows

Five Types of People That Will Help Ensure That Your Brand Grows

by In the world of business, it’s usually key members of your team and figureheads in the industry that can have the biggest impact on your brand’s growth. For example, while an influencer at the lower end of the industry can offer you a small audience and exposure, it’s nothing compared to what a top-end…

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Don’t Let These Threats Get In The Way Of Your Small Business Success

Don’t Let These Threats Get In The Way Of Your Small Business Success

by Building a business up from an idea takes a lot of hard work. It may have started as a seed in your mind, a thought of one day having this business, bringing this product to market or working within a particular industry. That idea gets built upon as you finally take that risk and…

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Learning from Other People’s Mistakes: 5 Most Common Reasons Why Businesses Fail

Learning from Other People’s Mistakes: 5 Most Common Reasons Why Businesses Fail

by It’s exciting to launch a new business, but statistics show that the majority of new businesses will fail within the first five years. There are several reasons why this may happen, from someone’s inexperience running a business to ineffective marketing strategies. Below are the most common reasons why businesses fail, so you know what…

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