SocialRank Twitter tool helps find the biggest social media influencers of your followers
In this tutorial I discuss a cool Twitter tool named SocialRank. The tool helps you find your most influential followers, and categorize them by the number of followers they have or the amount of influence they have. For much more marketing advice, try my full marketing course with over 11 hours of content.
And here is a tutorial with 25 Twitter marketing tips:
Back to the SocialRank Twitter tool. Once you have the information that SocialRank provides, you can decide which of your Twitter followers to try to network with and interact. This is a smart strategy to network with social media influencers. Once you locate the biggest social media influencers who follow you, start working on building the relationship with them and get on their radar a little bit more. Once you establish a solid business relationship with those social media influencers, you can begin asking them for favors.
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