Category: SEO & Content Marketing

Référencement (optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche) et stratégies de marketing de contenu



by First, check out this funny SEO video: SEO marketing is essential for all business in today’s global economy, especially for those whose products or services cater to smaller, specialized markets. Since the customer base for  a company selling transformers, for example, is smaller than that for clothing retailers or other items with universal appeal,…

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How to get customers for an employment law solicitor business

How to get customers for an employment law solicitor business

by I was recently contacted by a UK employment law solicitor business in UK, and wanted to share some thoughts on how to grow this kind of a business, and what other types of businesses can learn from, and use to grow their businesses. My recommendation to start getting publicity in your local area. This may…

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Publishing or editorial schedule for a blog YouTube channel or podcast

Publishing or editorial schedule for a blog YouTube channel or podcast

by In this video tutorial I discuss the importance of having an editorial schedule for a publication like a website, blog, a YouTube channel, a podcast, or any other kind of media. Sometimes this is called a publishing schedule and sometimes it is called an editorial schedule. These two terms mean essentially the same thing.…

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SEO link building by begging! How to get links white hat! Good backlinks from authoritative sites

SEO link building by begging! How to get links white hat! Good backlinks from authoritative sites

by In this SEO tutorial video I explain how you can get good links (sometimes called backlinks) to your website from other reputable and authoritative sites that are in your business niche, and are therefore relevant in subject matter to the kind of audience you have. And if you like this tutorial, here is my Amazon author…

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Growth hack for Google SEO and YouTube SEO to get traffic to your website

Growth hack for Google SEO and YouTube SEO to get traffic to your website

by Check out this funny song about SEO that I made: In this tutorial I show a strategy for how I use Quora and other similar websites to help me with YouTube SEO for my videos and Google SEO for my website and various pages on my website. Try my full marketing course with over 11 hours…

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How to create the best Thumbnail or logo for SEO for YouTube, Amazon, eBay to increase sales

How to create the best Thumbnail or logo for SEO for YouTube, Amazon, eBay to increase sales

by First, watch this funny SEO song: In this tutorial I explain how to create a logo or thumbnail that you can use to show up in search results to get attention of people searching, and to get a higher click-through rate. Try my full marketing course with over 11 hours of content. by

SEO: How to rank & dominate Google top 10 search results and have multiple listings in Google search

SEO: How to rank & dominate Google top 10 search results and have multiple listings in Google search

by SEO (search engine optimization): How to rank and dominate Google top 10 search results and have multiple listings in Google search. This is one lecture from my full marketing course. Take my full course on how to promote your business and reach 1,000,000 people. Or check out my book on how to reach 1,000,000 people here.…

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