Month: July 2014

Difference Between Likes vs. Shares On Facebook And Twitter

Difference Between Likes vs. Shares On Facebook And Twitter

by As we alluded to earlier, there is a real difference between getting someone to like something vs. getting someone to share something on Facebook. Whatever the benefits of either of these actions may be, keep in mind that both of these are subject to Facebook’s algorithm in terms of the algorithm having the last…

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Thought On How To Establish Yourself As An Expert Using Facebook Marketing

Thought On How To Establish Yourself As An Expert Using Facebook Marketing

by In almost anything you do, you must position yourself as an expert in your niche. That goes for all social media marketing, your branding, and how you execute the operations of your business. Being seen as an expert in your niche helps you build trust from your potential clients. Consumers flock to people and…

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Facebook Marketing With Your Personal Facebook Account

Facebook Marketing With Your Personal Facebook Account

by When people first start promoting their business on Facebook, they usually try to do it from their personal Facebook account rather than creating a business page, fan page, or doing any sort of paid marketing. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of using your personal Facebook page to promote your business and some of…

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