Month: September 2018

Breaking the Monotony 7 Things You Can Do to Make an Office More Lively

Breaking the Monotony 7 Things You Can Do to Make an Office More Lively

by If you’re working 40 hours per week or more, you’re spending most of your time at work. Since it is the place where you are spending more time than even your house (at least in waking hours!) it is important that the environment be an enjoyable one. Yet, the day-to-day duties of work can…

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Growth Hacking Starts with the Right Mindset: 5 Aspects of Your Business That Can Benefit from Automation

Growth Hacking Starts with the Right Mindset: 5 Aspects of Your Business That Can Benefit from Automation

by When it comes to increasing the growth and efficiency of any business, automation should be the first word that comes to your mind. If you’re not taking advantage of the myriad tools and platforms for automating certain aspects of your business in today’s competitive environment, you are putting yourself at a severe disadvantage that…

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Where To Find Effective, Premium, World-Class Freelancers – An Interview With Mike Frankel

Where To Find Effective, Premium, World-Class Freelancers – An Interview With Mike Frankel

by This is a recent interview I did with Mike Frankel about starting his premium and advanced world-class expert freelancers business called Liquid.Social. 1) Tell me a little bit about your business Thanks for the interview, Alex! Our goal is to make remote consulting more accessible and convenient. Experts are constantly asked for free advice…

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3 Ways Millennial Entrepreneurs Are Changing Manufacturing

3 Ways Millennial Entrepreneurs Are Changing Manufacturing

by Markforged founder and CEO Greg Mark grew up taking apart machines for fun, from VCRs to blenders to bicycles, says Industry Week. But he didn’t learn computer science until later in his career, so when he started hiring recent college graduates to help him with his 3-D printer manufacturing startup, he discovered they were…

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Raising Startup Capital: Don’t Overlook These Ideas!

Raising Startup Capital: Don’t Overlook These Ideas!

by If you need to raise some startup capital for a new business venture, there are lots of different options on the table. Most people will create a watertight business plan and take it along to a meeting with their bank manager. However, if you have a poor credit score or something similar, there is…

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How To Keep Your Customers Interested In Your Product

How To Keep Your Customers Interested In Your Product

by As a creator of a product, it’s likely that you’ve spent months – possibly years – working hard to create a product that you can feel proud of. You’ve worked to ensure that your product is the best version of what’s on the market right now, and you’ve done everything possible to maintain it…

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5 Softwares You Need For Construction Industry

5 Softwares You Need For Construction Industry

by Nowadays, we’re encountering an ever-growing dependency of the construction industry on the evolving technological trends. On the one hand, some methods (like scaffolding) haven’t changed for several millennia, then again, every contractor, even a construction worker has a smartphone on them. In fact, some brands are even specializing in smartphones for a construction site,…

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