Category: Business ideas

Why you Should Consider Stepping Into the Print on Demand Industry

Why you Should Consider Stepping Into the Print on Demand Industry

by If you are unfamiliar with the concept of print on demand, it is a business practice in which printing is only done when orders are actually made. This is opposed to traditional methods of publishing or printing in which large quantities of products are printed and then attempted to be sold. Printing on demand…

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How to start a wholesale fashion company

How to start a wholesale fashion company

by I recently interviewed Andrew Ok from Tutu Fashion which is a company that specializes in women’s wholesale clothing. I asked Andrew about the challenges of his wholesale fashion business, and what is most exciting about it. Enjoy the interview. 1. Tell me about your business? We are a Los Angles based wholesale manufacturer, focused on…

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Interview of Colin Nabity, founder of LeverageRX

Interview of Colin Nabity, founder of LeverageRX

by I recently interviewed Colin Nabity about his disability insurance for physicians and physician loans business, and I think you will find his insights about this business interesting. What I like about his business is that it isn’t the next social media trend. It is something that people and other businesses need, which give his business proper fundamentals and…

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Interview with Jeff White, the Bob Villa and overall guru of Grout

Interview with Jeff White, the Bob Villa and overall guru of Grout

by I recently interviewed Jeff White, creator of the GROUT-EEZ grout cleaning product about his unique product and business. Here is a link to check out Jeff’s incredible grout cleaner, and here is Jeff’s website that is the one stop shop for all things grout. Before you read the interview, here is a video to…

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50 business ideas and websites to make money online: How to make money online

50 business ideas and websites to make money online: How to make money online

by In this video tutorial I explain how to make money online. But I don’t just explain it like everyone else does, I present 50 effective business ideas and websites, and explain some of the pros and cons of each of the strategies. The first strategy is to start writing. Writing a blog is the…

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100 business ideas: discussion of 90 business ideas & 10 business idea theories

100 business ideas: discussion of 90 business ideas & 10 business idea theories

by Here is my book on how to go from business ideas to a successful business. Here is my Udemy course on how to go from business ideas to a successful business. The course is video based and has over 5 hours of content spanning over 60 lectures. In this video tutorial I talk about…

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3 أنواع من مخاطر الأعمال: المخاطر المالية، مخاطر السوق، ومخاطر المنتج

3 أنواع من مخاطر الأعمال: المخاطر المالية، مخاطر السوق، ومخاطر المنتج

by There are three types of risk you should think about when evaluating a business idea. The first type of risk is obvious. It is simply financial risk that you are willing to take on. The other two types of risk have more to do with actually building and growing the business. They are the…

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Bad Business Ideas & Business Idea Mistakes

Bad Business Ideas & Business Idea Mistakes

by If you think about it, some very unusual business ideas have worked in the past. Conversely, it often happens that very common business ideas actually do not work. There are a few key reasons like overall strategy, positioning, marketing, degree of hard work, perseverance, availability of resources, timing, product quality, market and economic conditions,…

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