How to market and promote photo or social apps to get downloads. How to monetize photo & social apps
In this tutorial I explain the challenges of marketing and getting downloads for social and photo apps. I group social and photo apps together because these are such common types of apps that people love to try to create.
Check out my mobile app business book and my mobile app business course.
The issues I mention in the tutorial are things you should be aware of and consider during the business plan stage for your app, before you start creating the app. If you can figure out how to get around the challenges mentioned in this video during the business planning stages for your apps, you will save yourself a lot time and money.
I coach many people, and many of them ask me about social apps and photo apps. Often, the social apps involve photos. For most apps, you need to get downloads with ASO (app store search optimization), publicity and social sharing. The main strategy is to rank your apps in app store search. But the challenge is that the social app and photo app searches are very difficult to rank for, and any new app has to compete with many existing million and billion dollar apps. So before you create your app, think about how your app will be different, and how you will be able to promote your app. Without planning for how you will get downloads for your app, you will face serious challenges in getting downloads.
In this tutorial I also explain how to make money from your apps. It isn’t simple to make money from these kinds of app, but it is possible. But again, it really depends on getting downloads because without a high volume of downloads, it will be difficult to generate enough revenue from few downloads.
Learn Android app development to program your own apps
Are you a non-technical app entrepreneur? If so, you might be struggling with finding a good app developer to partner with, and hiring developers is expensive. This is why I made a mobile app development course together with another engineer Val Okefor. The course will help you make your own apps so you can finally make your dream app a reality.
Here is a preview of the Android app development course:
And here is a link with a discount to our Android app development course. And here is a link to learn more about our course on how to start your Android developer career on this blog.
Plus, check out my business apps:
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