Month: August 2017

One Individual Can Make All The Difference In Business

One Individual Can Make All The Difference In Business

by Pixabay We often think that the business leader is relatively powerless to change profit levels and success of a company. After all, there are a number of different parts of a business, and the owner isn’t in control of all of them. For instance, marketing can play a large part in whether your business…

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No Money? No Problem! Managing Cash Flow

No Money? No Problem! Managing Cash Flow

by Pixabay Uncertainty is the bane of all small businesses, there are extreme anxieties in whether a business can keep afloat while also making the most of the more cost-effective methods at their disposal. It’s a common discussion on how to keep a business running effectively while still making sure that the funds are going…

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Entrepreneurial Opportunities You Might Not Have Heard About

Entrepreneurial Opportunities You Might Not Have Heard About

by One of the key things about being an entrepreneur is always having to keep your eyes open for new opportunities, especially if you want to grow and build your empire. While being an entrepreneur has many rewards, not least of which getting to work for yourself, and often get involved with some really cool…

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Are You Ready To Take On Manufacturing?

Are You Ready To Take On Manufacturing?

by Image Source There’s a pretty prevailing attitude among a lot of people that manufacturing, in the west at least, is a dead industry. That is, quite frankly, utter nonsense. The reality is that manufacturing is simply having to change in the same way that all industries are changing in the twenty-first century. However, that…

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Don’t Clash With Your Employees, Manage Them Properly

Don’t Clash With Your Employees, Manage Them Properly

by Are you always feeling like managing your employees is more like a battle than a collaboration. That’s not how it should be, and you need to take action if that’s the kind of situation you currently find yourself in. It’s not something that is sustainable for you, them or the company. So, you need…

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5 Ways To Transform The Way Your Business Uses Technology

5 Ways To Transform The Way Your Business Uses Technology

by Technology is a key element of running a modern business. It’s difficult to imagine a time before we used computers and other devices to facilitate the day-to-day running of a business. It’s surprising to learn however that many businesses and startups aren’t using technology to its full potential, which could be costing time and…

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3 Business Lessons You Can Learn From These Horror Stories

3 Business Lessons You Can Learn From These Horror Stories

by   Image credit: Pixabay It would be impossible to make all the mistakes a business owner could make, which is why there’s such a huge culture built around business books and entrepreneurial advice. Through those guides and mediums, business owners are given the proper tools to ensure that they don’t make the same mistakes…

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