Month: June 2020

3 Most important parts of your law firm’s SEO campaign

3 Most important parts of your law firm’s SEO campaign

by Check out my SEO song: Many law firms vie for the attention of potential clients. So, you must create and implement credible steps for your SEO strategy to set yourself apart and rank higher in search engines. The secret to success in your law firm’s SEO campaign is to marry SEO strategies to website…

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How memory loss can contribute to creating a business based on family relations.

How memory loss can contribute to creating a business based on family relations.

by Family Tree Gift is a small business that was created by me and my husband in order to help seniors who have been affected by memory loss. The idea of making a family tree was dictated by our personal unpleasant experiences. It all began when my grandparents started having memory problems. I would never…

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