Twitter Marketing Tutorial With Tips, Ideas & Strategies
Many people list Twitter as one of the platforms on which they will be marketing their business. In this tutorial I provide a number of tips, suggestions, and ideas for how to effectively market your business on Twitter.
Use Twitter To Establish Yourself As An Expert
When you do any kind of social media marketing, you should think about establishing yourself as an expert in your niche or domain. Being seen as an expert makes you seem more authoritative and gives you an immediate boost in trust. And trust is the key to making sales. Without trust, you can’t sell.
Twitter is a great platform to network with people in your niche who already have trust and authority. When you network with people who already have trust and authority, you are automatically seen as someone on their level.
Sharing vs. Following On Twitter
Many people focus on getting others to follow them on Twitter. But what does a Twitter follower actually do for you? If they are not engaged, you get no benefit from that follower. On the other hand, if you get someone to share something on Twitter, that share will appear in that person’s Twitter feed and will be seen by potentially hundreds or thousands of people. Here is a full article on how to get social media and other kinds of referrals.
Don’t Obsess About Growing Twitter Followers
Many people focus on growing their Twitter follower number because it is partially an ego boost and a status symbol. I would advise against any strategies to grow Twitter following solely for that purpose. Instead, I would focus on engaging your audience and tweeting insightful content that gives people value. Consistently tweeting insightful and interesting content will help you grow a naturally engaged audience. The only superficial reason to try to grow your Twitter follower number is to be seen as more authoritative in your space. A person with a hundred Twitter followers is typically seen as less authoritative than a person with a thousand or ten thousand Twitter followers. That is the one case where there is actual benefit to trying to inflate the number of your Twitter followers.
Book, Mobile Apps And Courses To Help You With Social Media Marketing
If you feel that you may need to learn more about the right way to use social media marketing to promote your business, I created a number of resources to help you with just that. If you like learning by reading, I wrote a marketing book that teaches you strategies to get great scale for your business. Here is more about the marketing plan and strategy book and here is the marketing plan book on Amazon.
If you enjoy learning by watching videos, check out my advanced social media marketing course or take the social media marketing course on Udemy.
Additionally, I created some of the top Android and iPhone apps for learning marketing and creating a marketing plan. Here is my iPhone marketing app and here is my Android marketing app.
Author: Alex Genadinik