Low Risk Business Ideas

Low Risk Business Ideas

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Many people write to me and ask me for low risk business ideas. To me, the least riskiest businesses are on the web. You don’t need to pay for rent of a physical space, need fewer licenses and typically have to pay fewer employees. That takes quite a bit of financial risk out of the picture.

You Need A Website To Have A Web Based Business

If you are looking to have a web based business, you will certainly need a website. A website can be used to get people to discover your business, and then to sell to those people. In the past, creating a website has been a challenge to many people, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. You can set up a WordPress site in less than a day, and add an off the shelf theme to it to make it appear as a business site, and begin doing business that same day. Here is a tutorial for how to set up your WordPress site cheaply and professionally, on your own.

Here is a video tutorial to help you understand what is web hosting and why it is needed when starting your own site.

Choosing Your Business Niche

Before you rush to create a website, an arguably more difficult step in the process is to choose which business niche your website should be in. Here is a tutorial for how to choose a business idea that can work well for you, and match your personal background and strengths.

Low Risk Business Ideas

Now let’s get to the kinds of businesses you can do which are low risk. The first type of such a business is a blog. Yes, a blog can be a very effective business. Here is a tutorial about how blogging is still effective and how to make money from a blog.

The simplest way to make money from a blog or any other site is to put ads on that site. Here is a tutorial about different possible revenue models, and here is a tutorial specifically about how to make money with ads.

Another way to make money on your site is to sell things from your site. You can sell things as an affiliate reseller which means that you will be selling products made by others.

Or you can sell products that you make on your own. If you would like to learn more about selling affiliate products, we offer an affiliate marketing course and affiliate marketing coaching to help you get started with making money this way.

Here is a video tutorial about how to get commissions selling things online.

And here is a tutorial for how to sell things online overall.

Promoting Your Business

Once you have your site, and are ready to sell from it, you need to attract potential buyers to your site. Here is an introduction to how to promote your site.

To promote your site, I like to divide the options are online marketing and offline marketing. They can bother be powerful techniques and should not be mutually exclusive. Offline marketing gives you a chance to meet your potential customers and talk to them face to face. And online marketing gives you an opportunity to sell your products at great scale. Here is a tutorial on online marketing.

And here is an introduction to offline marketing.

Further Business Resources

For more business-starting resources, please take a look at our business planning mobile apps. Here is the iOS business plan app and here is the Android business plan app.  Additionally, here is the iOS marketing app. And here is the Android marketing app. And here are our business apps on the Kindle. And here is an article where I give the argument that our Android apps are the best business apps on Android.

And please check out and subscribe to my YouTube channel where we cover many marketing topics.

Author: Alex Genadinik

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